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One Day With God

Nashville Methodist Church will be the host church for the upcoming One Day with God (ODWG) camp at Nash Correction on Saturday, March 21-23, 2024. ODWG camps began with a vision of having one day inside prison walls where parent and child could reconcile with one another and spend time together with God-anointed mentors working beside them.

One Day with God camps began with a vision of having one day inside prison walls where parent and child could reconcile with one another and spend time together with God-anointed mentors working beside them. The day includes games, crafts, lunch, music, entertainment, and a parent-and-child quiet time. It is a divinely appointed time for both child and inmate in which both can experience the love of God and find forgiveness and reconciliation. If one child could have a Christ-centered Mom or Dad return home from prison, there would be a joyous change in that home forever, and it could change the path that child takes in life.

Reconciling inmates with their families and with God is the most promising way to bring about change from within. Surrounding inmates and their families with unconditional love from a supportive Christian community, at the camps and in the follow-up programs, can truly make a difference… that to some would seem impossible. Forgiveness makes this reconciliation possible.

Nashville Methodist Church will be the host church for the upcoming One Day with God camp at Nash Correction on Saturday, March 23, 2024. This program is very unique because it offers the opportunity for almost everyone to serve. Volunteers are needed in many areas ranging from helping with the Caregivers program and face painting for the children at the church or going inside the prison as a child mentor, serving lunch and snacks, crafts, staffing the prayer room, providing music or being a floater to help where needed during the day. No matter where you are assigned to serve, you are sure to be blessed.

In order to volunteer, you will need to complete an application for Forgiven Ministry.

Applications and information can be found in the link below and will also be available in the Gathering Area beginning Sunday, January 21, 2024. You may email or fax your completed applications directly to Forgiven Ministry, or you may complete your application on-line at (Or, if you prefer, you may turn in your applications directly to Elaine Beal and she will get them to Forgiven Ministry. All information will be kept completely confidential.)

More about volunteering...

Please note: If you would like to participate inside the prison facility for the event, you
must also complete a background check as it is required by the prison facility. You will
also be required to attend training, either via Zoom or in person at the church on

Thursday evening prior to the event. If you attended volunteer training in 2023, you will
NOT have to repeat the training for this event.


If you are unable to volunteer for the camp that day, please prayerfully consider other ways you can help. We will be providing Blessing Bags for the caregivers and snack bags for the children, so donated items would be greatly appreciated. You may contact Elaine Beal for information on items and quantities needed.


There are tasks that need to be completed prior to the event and at the end of the event that
require some helping hands.
Prior: Set up tables and chairs and assemble the Blessing Bags and snack bags
End: Put Cockrell Hall, Braswell Hall and the Gathering Area back in place for church

If you would like to volunteer for any of these tasks, please contact Elaine Beal. It’s a great way
for youth to get needed volunteer hours. All help is much appreciated.

You may also consider a tax-deductible donation to Forgiven Ministry to support the cost of
these wonderful camps. You can give directly on Forgiven Ministry’s website.

Matthew 25:40 tells us “The king will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

If you have any questions about One Day with God, please contact our coordinator Elaine Beal at 252-904-4440 or Thank you in advance for your prayers and support.

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