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early. Tuesday. The Voice of God. John 12:27-30.

Updated: Mar 27

The soul of the one who is an “ever present help in a time of trouble” (Ps. 46:1) is troubled. 

Jesus, the Prince of Peace (Is. 9:6), the second person of the Trinity is actually troubled. 

In a few chapters, Jesus is going to tell his disciples, “Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27) Mercy, what is going on?!? Oh and to keep it going, a chapter earlier while at the tomb of Lazarus, upon seeing Mary and Martha weeping, Jesus wept and was “troubled” (John 11:33-35).

Never forget dear friend that Jesus, the Son of God, was also the Son of Mary. In other words, he was a human. He is fully human and fully divine. When you look at an altar table and see two candles burning, one symbolizes the divinity of Christ, the other symbolizes the humanity of Christ. He is fully both.

Hebrews 4:15 is a confessional comfort for us concerning Jesus, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are yet without sin.”

In other words, Jesus knows what it means to be human. He lived on this groaning, so loved by God world for 33 years.

Pausing to consider why Jesus is troubled is important. How could he be troubled? He has never done anything wrong at all. You and I might struggle with a guilty conscience or be worried about the outcome of something, but Jesus knows everything and He was perfect

He was troubled because “his hour had come”. The time was at hand for Jesus to do the work that all the other work he had done in his 3 years of public ministry was pointing towards. I love what Brian Russell says, “All the Gospels, with their varying introductions, barrel towards the Cross”. Jesus always knew he would hang on a cross and now the time had come. No more teaching and preaching and healing, it’s time for Jesus to fulfill his role as the Lamb of God born to take away the sins of the world (John 1:29).

Jesus lifts up his troubles with his audible voice towards the Father as he knows betrayal, being mocked, spit upon, beaten, stripped, thorns in his head, nails through his wrist, sour wine upon his tongue, shame upon his body were all coming at him. He knew his mother was going to see him die, he knew the way her soul would be pierced because of his faithfulness.

In this text we see the great struggle Jesus has, “shall I ask you to save me Father from all of this…no, Father glorify your name.” (John 1:27).

Jesus lifts up his voice with affirmation of his purpose, he confirms his mission, his resolve echoes throughout heaven and earth, the same resolve he taught his disciples to pray earlier, “Father hallowed by your name” (Matthew 6:9).

The voice of the Father then speaks over Jesus. This is the 3rd and final time the Father speaks. First at his baptism (Mt. 3:17), second at this transfiguration (Mt. 17:5), and now the third at his hour (John 12:28). Each time the Father affirms the Son, giving us a glimpse into the perfect unity that exists between the Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Throughout the life of Jesus, Jesus had a mission, a purpose, a calling. 

Throughout your life you have a mission, a purpose, a calling, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise

The mission of Jesus flowed from the Father.

Your mission flows from the Father, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

While you and I are insufficient to be like Jesus by bearing the sins of the world upon our body (1 Peter 2:24), nor can we be the one who brings about restored relationship between God and humanity (Romans 5:11) - we still have a mission and it flows from the Father, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Today, let your mission flow from the voice of God, let your mission be what He tells you to do…

Don’t we pray along with our brothers and sisters, “thy will be done…”

Feed the hungry

Cast out demons

Clothe the naked

Heal the sick

Make disciples

Be perfect

Visit people in prison

Just to name a few…

You and I build our lives based off of many voices and many, to be frank, are lying to us. Today, may you be free to name your troubles to God, doubledown on your mission which flows from him so that your life might be a canvas of holiness to bring glory to the Father and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Amen & Amen


To watch the video for this devotion:

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