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Local Outreach


Your Choice Resource Center

Nashville Methodist Church partners with Your Choice Resource Center to help provide funds and support toward their mission. YCRC is a local non-profit in Rocky Mount that provides Christian, compassionate care to all families that come through their door. They support women facing unexpected pregnancies that need information, resources, support, and encouragement. 


Our church supports Your Choice through several events and fundraisers throughout the year:

  • Celebrate Life Banquet (usually in February)

  • Baby Bottle Blessing Campaign (May-June)

  • Walk/Run for Life (September)


We also have church members that serve as volunteers at YCRC to support their work and mission.


Website: Friends of Your Choice


Contact: Betsy Sauls


Offering women Christian, compassionate care.


Abortion will become unthinkable.

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Compassion Café

Compassion Café is a ministry supported by approximately 7 churches in the area.  Volunteers at these churches create teams who prepare a meal once a month to serve at the café.  We serve at our bus garage on the corner of Hillard St and Church St behind the church. The purpose of this ministry is not only to feed the body of those in need but to feed the souls by offering fellowship and daily devotions.  


This is a wonderful outreach ministry to our community and also highlights unity and collaboration among churches in our area.  It is a shining example of how God works through those who pursue his purpose.


We Serve from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM 7 to 8 days a month.  Be sure to check the calendar inside or sign on the door for dates.  You can also check our Event Calendar. 


All meals are EAT IN no take outs available unless food is left at 12:30.


There is no charge for these meals.  The volunteer or the church provides the food.  Come Join us.


Contact: Kay Jenkins


Compassion Cafe exists to serve nourishment for the body and soul to those in our local community. You're welcome to join us for a meal or help serve a meal. All are welcome!

One Day with God - Forgiven Ministries

Camps began with a vision of one day inside prison walls where parent and child could reconcile with one another and spend time together with God-anointed mentors working beside them. It is a divinely appointed time for both child and inmate in which both can experience the love of God and find forgiveness and reconciliation. if one child could have a Christ-centered Mom or Dad return home from prison, there would be a joyous change in that home forever, and it could change the path that child takes in life.


Special Skills: Willingness to serve, an open and caring heart. This program is very unique because it offers the opportunity for almost everyone to serve. Volunteers are needed in many areas ranging from helping with the Caregivers program and face painting for the children at the church or going inside the prion as a child mentor, serving lunch and snacks, crafts, staffing the prayer room, providing music, helping with games or being a floater to help where needed during the day. No matter where you are assigned to serve, you are sure to be blessed.


Time Commitment: A few minutes to complete and submit your Forgiven Ministry volunteer application and NCDPS background check form. Also 1 1/2 hour training session two days prior to the camp, and 8 hours on camp day.


Length of Commitment: Usually once a year for NMC and Nash Correction. However, trained volunteers can volunteer at other locations in NC if they feel led to do so. A volunteer application and background check form is required for each additional camp you wish to volunteer for.


Training: Training is provided at the church the Thursday evening prior to the Saturday camp. You MUST attend training (provided by Forgiven Ministry) and pass a background check (conducted by NC Dept. of Public Safety) to be able to enter the prison.


Financial & Fundraising Commitment: Zero! If you feel led to, you can choose to sponsor a child for the camp with a tax-deductible donation to Forgiven Ministry. Donations are totally voluntary.


Organization Link:


Contact: Elaine Beal

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"The One Day with God camp changed my life! God called me to step outside of my comfort zone to serve as a Child Mentor, and I am so glad He did! There was something so special about witnessing God's love for everyone in that room.


It was an indescribable feeling to see children building bonds with their fathers, fathers smiling to just have the precious gift of time with their children, and seeing God change lives in such a big way! God moved mountains that day. I saw grown men give their lives to Jesus, heard the laughter of children, and for one brief moment in time, life seemed to stand still for these families.

Personally, I am a better person for having obeyed God's calling to serve in this area. The prison no longer seems like a scary taboo place, but a place where there is hurt and real pain. We as a community can encourage these families with service and prayer! This is the scripture that weighs on my heart as I reflect on that day!

1 Peter 4:10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to service others as faithful stewards of God's
Grace in various forms."


Melissa Sykes

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