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Old Globe

Global Outreach


Operation Christmas Child

We look forward to raising donations for Operation Christmas Child, beginning in October!

Every year we work together has a church to pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. These boxes are distributed around the world to share the love of Jesus with children who may not have heard the gospel message before.

American Belarussian Relief Organization

The Chernobyl nuclear plant exploded in 1986. Radiation is still present in Belarus. ABRO Nash brings as many kids as host families are available to the Nash County area for 6 weeks.


Special Skills: Open heart, open home, love of children, and support from your church family. The most important role of the host family is to provide the visiting child with day to day care, a loving, and stable environment. They will need wholesome food, fresh clean air, and love.


Time Commitment: Each host family commits for 6 weeks during the summer. Others can volunteer helping with excursions, clothing, and or cash donations. Some of the children come from very poor families.


Training: Background check is needed through NUMC for each member of the host family. A Summer Program Host Family Handbook is available for those interested.


Financial Commitment: Money is needed for the child's VISA, plane tickets, clothing, or cash to provide for needs while here.


Organization Link: ABRO Facebook Page


Contact: Mary Lou Braswell

Appalachia Service Project (ASP)

ASP is a ministry opportunity started over 50 years ago by Methodist Pastor, Tex Evans, in an effort to make homes Warmer, Safer, and Drier in the Central Appalachia Mountains. This ministry serves NC, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky. During the week long trip, we offer the love of Jesus Christ with the home owners along with performing home repairs.


Special Skills: Love Jesus or willing to learn about Jesus' love for all people. Willingness to serve and ability to learn new things. Basic carpentry skills are a plus, however not required.


Time Commitment: Sunday-Saturday Mission trip, usually in June.


Length of Commitment: Year long commitment. Planning and fundraising begin in the fall for the following summer mission trip.


Training: Safe Sanctuaries, attend quarterly meetings, and fundraisers


Financial Commitment: TBD


Fundraising Expectations: We have periodic fundraisers during the year. Our largest fundraiser is our T-shirt sponsorship, in which we request that each member send a letter seeking a $50 sponsorships from friends and family.

Organization Link:


Contact: Bill Lumpp


"It is not all about the carpentry work. It is a relationship ministry in which you learn and grow with GOD, members of the church, and those in which open their homes for us - with home
repairs on the side."

"It is an excellent opportunity to serve and grow - regardless of your skill set."

"It is amazing to see how GOD builds our teams and sends us to the correct families
and projects. "

Costa Rica Missions


Costa Rica Missions

A team of adult men and women (varies from 8-16 people) travels to Costa Rica to assist Fuente de Gracia Methodist Church with ongoing expansion and improvement of its facilities. Work can consist of anything from pouring concrete to painting, framing, drywall, and other types of light construction. We usually work an 8 hour days on weekdays. The team is housed at the church in dormitory style rooms. Meals are prepared by a team of women at the church. We share in two worship services each week, and also fellowship with the congregation. Saturday and Sunday afternoons are usually spent in recreation/adventure, often visiting local beaches. Evenings are usually free to explore the local community. The weather is hot (in the 90's) dry, and usually windy.


Special Skills: Specific construction skills are not a requirement. Having an attitude that is open to a new culture (Spanish is the official language), and new experiences is important. A servants heart in relationship to other team members and our brothers and sisters in Costa Rica is important. A sense of humor is a requirement, as is a tremendous amount of flexibility and patience.


Time Commitment: The trip is usually about 11-12 days including travel days. Most of the team travels on the same days. However, the airport is very close and those that need to travel on different days can usually be accommodated easily. There are usually 2 team meetings of 1 hour each prior to the trip itself. The first of these meetings is used to establish the actual dates of the trip for that year. Currently the preferred dates fall within the first 3 weeks of February.


Length of Commitment: This is a year by year commitment. Many people have returned each year for 10 years, while others participate for one year only.


Training: Team leaders maintain training required by the UMMVIM. Team members have no specific training required other than attendance at team meetings.


Financial Commitment: TBD


Fundraising Expectations: The current budget for this ministry is sustainable and fundraisers have not been needed for the last several years. When fundraising events are needed, team member participation is expected.

Organization Link:


Contact: Reid Hildreth or Dennis Coggins

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