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“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first-fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing and your vats will brim over with new wine.” Proverbs 3:9-10


Faithfulness in stewardship is not about subjection and guilt. It really is not even about the church. Stewardship is about our relationship with God. A loving Heavenly Father has lavished His love, grace, salvation, and generosity upon us. We are created in His image, and therefore we are to be loving and generous, too. 


Our hearts soar when we are a part of feeding the hungry or comforting the sick. The Lord has created a good and generous heart in us through Christ. Faithfulness in stewardship is our way of thanking God for all He has done for us, especially our salvation. We express generosity and thanks to Him through prayers, gifts, service, attendance, and witness. When we give, attend worship, become a servant, pray, and tell others about Him, we are giving from our heart to God’s heart. We are pouring out of our lives into the life and purposes of God! We are generous children giving to a generous loving Abba, Father.


Revelation 4:11 teaches that we were created at the pleasure of God. Our purpose is to serve Him, love Him, and give Him pleasure. When we are good stewards of all He has given us, God receives great pleasure because we become a reflection of His own generosity and an extension of His love.  Giving is an act of worship and many give during active worship on Sunday morning. We also offer on-line giving through Paypal. Nashville UMC receives about 98% of your donation when you give on-line. If you want us to get 100%, the best way is to send a check in to the church office or set-up an automatic gift from your bank.

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